
1892 Indiana Tumbler & Goblet Company Was Born

Greentown Glass Publications

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Greentown Glass Association

About Us

On June 13, 1903, around noon, just after the Saturday morning glassworkers finished their turn and left the plant, the Indiana Tumbler & Goblet Works was destroyed by fire. Unfortunately the Greentown fire fighting equipment was not equipped to handle such a blaze and the inferno took the factory. Within days, the skilled glassworkers left Greentown to find other work. The residents of Greentown struggled to reopen the factory. Lawsuits were filed, investors were sought out, however, because of the financial constraints of the National Glass Company and because the natural gas fields had given the factory many past problems, the factory in Greentown was never rebuilt.

You can read a lot more information about the Indiana Tumbler and Goblet Company and the products produced there (now known as Greentown Glass) in the official publication of the National Greentown Glass Association, available on this site.

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P.O. Box 107
Greentown, IN 46936


(765) 419-2091